Monday, April 13, 2009

Killin' time with my top 5

While I wait for one of my friends to send me the Chemistry Test I'm supposed to do today, I thought I'd do a brief posting. Nothing deep this time around, simply some links I enjoy.

These are the top 5 blogs and other pages around the web I frequent. Check them out if you'd like, and feel free to comment with your own top 5.
(Note: numbers are in reverse order b/c I watch too much Letterman)

5. Facebook - Great networking tool, old-friend finder, and place to make fun of your friends dumb pictures.

4. Twitter - Microblogging at its finest. All about the question "What are you doing?"

3. Jesus or Squirrel? - A humorously intriguing blog about...well, you'll just have to go see!

2. Captain's Blog - A journey from fear to love, from rules to relationship, and from religion to freedom, from the heart of Chad Estes.

1. - A witty conservatively liberal blog with humor mixed in. (My dad!)

What are your top 5?


P.S. Turns out my teacher gave us a hard copy of the test! Hurrah!

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